Silicon Valley Bank is a US bank founded in 1983, headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Its business primarily serves high-tech companies and entrepreneurs in industries such as technology, life sciences, clean technology, and innovation.
The bank offers a variety of banking services, including commercial loans, credit cards, savings and checking accounts, fund management, investment and risk management, as well as venture capital and corporate investment services to support startups and growing companies. Due to its focus on high-tech and innovative industries, Silicon Valley Bank is recognized as one of the important supporters of global technology entrepreneurship and innovation investment.
Silicon Valley Bank 矽谷銀行是一家美國的銀行,成立於1983年,總部位於加利福尼亞州的聖塔克拉拉市,該銀行的業務主要針對科技、生命科學、清潔技術、創新產業等高科技企業及其創業家、投資者以及獨立創業家。
該銀行提供各種銀行業務,包括商業貸款、信用卡、儲蓄和支票帳戶、資金管理、投資和風險管理等,並且也提供風險投資和企業投資服務,以支持初創公司和成長中的企業。由於其專注於高科技和創新產業,Silicon Valley Bank被譽為全球科技創業和創新投資的重要支持者之一。
This is the largest bank collapse event in the United States since the 2008 financial crisis and may cause a domino effect in the financial markets.
Silicon Valley Bank collapsed due to insolvency and was taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) within 48 hours on March 10.
The US Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, and FDIC issued a joint statement on the evening of March 12 stating that decisive action is being taken to enhance public confidence in the banking system and to assure Silicon Valley Bank depositors that they can retrieve all deposits on Monday, March 13.
這是美國自2008年金融海嘯以來最大的銀行倒閉事件,恐引起金融市場骨牌效應。 矽谷銀行因資不抵債在48小時內倒閉後,3月10日由美國聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)接管。 美國財政部、聯儲局及聯邦存款保險公司12日晚間發表聯合聲明指,正採取果斷行動,以增強公眾對銀行體系的信心,並向矽谷銀行存戶保證,可以在13日周一取回所有存款。
On March 12th, the US Treasury Department closed “Signature Bank,” headquartered in New York State, on the grounds of systemic risk. The bank was one of the major sources of financing for cryptocurrency companies.
US President Biden gave a speech promising to do “everything possible” to protect the banking system. However, investors are concerned that other banks may still be affected, leading to a significant drop in global stock prices.
3月12日,美國財政部以存在系統性風險為由關閉總部設在紐約州的「標誌銀行」。該銀行是加密貨幣公司的主要融資來源之一。 美國總統拜登發表講話,承諾將「竭盡所能」保護銀行系統。但投資者擔心其他銀行可能仍會受到影響,引發全球股價大幅下跌。